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Online Introduction to Insight Dialogue

Three-week offering with Stefan Hanser
Thursday, 16., 23. & 30. April 2020

Thursday, 16., 23. & 30. April 2020
19 – 21:15 Uhr (7 – 9:15 pm)

Place: Bodhicharya, Kinzigstr. 25, 10247 Berlin/Friedrichshain
Room: Meditation Room 1 (M1)
Costs: 10€ for space per evening + Dana (= Free Giving)
Prerequisites: Some prior meditation experience is required for participation. 
Registration:  Not required

Stefan Hanser ist Insight Dialogue Facilitator und leitet die Einsichtsdialogpraxis seit 2017 an. Er hat an zahlreichen Insight Dialogue Retreats teilgenommen u.a. mit Gregory Kramer, Phyllis Hicks, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Bhante Sukhacitto, Bart van Melik, sowie an Facilitator-Trainings mit Gregory Kramer in London (2018) und Barre, Massachusetts (2019). Neben seinem Engagement im Insight Dialogue Teaching Community Coordinating Team (IDTC) ist er in mehreren Online Praxisgruppen der Insight Dialogue Community aktiv. Desweiteren hat Stefan ein besonderes Interesse für improvisierten, zeitgenössischen Tanz und Körperarbeit – mit dem Wunsch Achtsamkeitspraxis in Bewegung erfahrbar zu machen. 

The Introduction to Insight Dialogue is an three-week offering introducing the six meditation guidelines of Insight Dialogue: Pause, Relax, Open, Attune to Emergence, Listen Deeply & Speak the Truth. Each week will include instruction on two guidelines and experienced directly in contemplative dialogue practice. What is offered will be informed by the 3 Bases of Insight Dialogue: wisdom factors, meditative qualities, and relationality.

Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice that brings together meditative awareness, the wisdom teachings of the Buddha, and relationship. It has the same purposes and traditional roots as silent meditation: developing mindfulness, compassion and liberating insight, while investigating present moment experience.

The practice will be offered in english language; German practitioners are however welcome to join the group.

Gregory Kramer developed the practice of Insight Dialogue and has been teaching it since 1995. Further information: Insight Dialogue Community (IDC)